Wall St For Main St

Erik Voorhees: Bitcoin Can Help A Lot With Cyber Security



Jason Burack of Wall St for Main St had on first time guest, Butcoin entrepreneur and investor, Erik Voorhees @ErikVoorhees http://moneyandstate.com/.  Erik is currently CEO of ShapeShift.io and has ran or worked at other Bitcoin and block chain companies. Erik is also a Libertarian. During this 25+ minute conversation, Jason asks Eric how he became a Libertarian. Erik says he slowly noticed all the laws government was making about what people can and can't do and he became fed up. Jason then asks Erik how he found Bitcoin initially?Erik found Bitcoin and learned all he can about the technology. Despite not being a computer programmer or coder, Erik was able to find jobs and management positions at Bitcoin companies because he excelled at marketing. Jason then asks Erik many questions about Bitcoin like what industries can the block chain technology disrupt, can governments kill Bitcoin, are regulators in the US already over-regulating Bitcoin and is he worried that Wall St and Silicon Valley are now both emb