Wall St For Main St

Louis Basenese: Technology Innovation Accelerating



Jason Burack of Wall St for Main St had on first time guest, technology analyst, investor and founder of Disruptive Tech Research http://www.disruptivetechresearch.com/, Louis Basenese. Louis' full bio can be found here: http://www.disruptivetechresearch.com...During this 30+ minute interview, Jason asks Louis about the 3d printing industry and why despite the many cool news stories coming out about new uses for 3 printing how the 3d printing stocks continue to fall. Louis expects further consolidation in the industry along with M&A from larger tech giants like HP to look into buying 3d printing companies in the near future. Next, Jason and Louis discuss robotics and whether the world has entered the golden age of robotics. Jason and Louis talk about investing opportunities in robotics as well as what types of jobs the robotics industry could potentially replace quickly. After robotics, Jason asks Louis about cyber security. Louis says it's good news for cyber security companies with all the news stories