Wall St For Main St

Dave Kranzler: Enormous Bull Market in Wall St Corruption



Jason Burack of Wall St for Main St had on returning guest former Wall St bond trader, gold fund manager and creator of the popular investing website Investment Research Dynamicshttp://investmentresearchdynamics.com/, Dave Kranzler. Dave also recently started a new podcast with Rory Hall of The Daily Coin called Shadow of Truth. During this 40+ minute interview, Jason asks Dave about the Greek crisis (Grexit) and if Greece may be sacrificed like Lehman Bros was? Dave thinks the OTC derivatives market is being protected and a large effort being made to prevent the credit default swaps from being triggered. Next, Jason asks Dave about China now printing money to buy Chinese stocks. Dave says the US has already been doing it for years and Jason mentions how Japan also does it. Basically, all the major economies in the world have their central banks printing up currency to buy assets.Jason asks Dave why money managers on Wall St don't like to admit there's massive evidence of inflation in higher and higher asset