Wall St For Main St

Robert Rapier: OPEC's $1 Trillion Mistake Means Lots of Oil Bankruptcies



Jason Burack of Wall St for Main St interviewed returning guest, oil and energy expert Robert Rapier http://www.energytrendsinsider.com/. Robert has over 20 years experience working and investing in the oil and energy industries. Robert's 2 most recent articles that are definitely worth reading: 1) http://www.forbes.com/sites/rrapier/2...2) http://www.energytrendsinsider.com/20...During this 20+ minute interview, Jason asks Robert about the state of the oil industry. Jason asks Robert why the oil price keeps falling, what happens if it goes to $15 or $20/barrel and about the supply/demand fundamentals of the industry. Robert thinks OPEC drastically miscalculated how quickly US shale oil producers would go bankrupt. Jason talks about how easy money from Wall St banks and the Federal Reserve have allowed US shale oil producers to delay bankruptcy longer than expected. If you are interested in the oil market or looking for investment ideas, this is a good interview for the contrarian value investor or speculator