Wall St For Main St

Jordan Roy Byrne: You May Have Missed The Buying Opportunity of a Lifetime in Gold Stocks



Jason Burack of Wall St for Main St interviewed returning guest, Certified Market Technician (CMT) and editor of The Daily Goldhttp://thedailygold.com/, Jordan Roy-Byrne. Jordan has about a decade of experience investing and trading stocks especially gold stocks and commodities stocks. During this 35+ minute interview, Jason starts off by asking Jordan why he thinks gold started to rally in December 2015/January 2016 after a long and painful cyclical bear market since 2011? Jordan talks about how there's negative interest rates now and how central bankers seem to want interest rates to go further negative. Jordan talks about how in past gold bull markets interest rates were also negative. This includes the past gold bull markets during the 1940s and the 1970s when Paul Volcker was raising interest rates sky high. Jordan says Paul Volcker was not able to raise rates fast enough to keep up with the inflation rate rising so that's why rates were still negative then. Jason and Jordan then have a very long, in