Wall St For Main St

David Seaman: Crypto Currencies Like Bitcoin/Ethereum & Bitgold Can Change The World?



Jason Burack of Wall St for Main St had on first time guest, former reporter, money researcher and Bitcoin and Crypto Currency Expert, David Seaman https://www.youtube.com/user/davidseamanonline David has over 10k subscribers on his YouTube channel and can be contacted on his Twitter handle: @d_seaman During this 30+ minute interview, Jason starts off by asking David about his background. David talks about how he was a reporter with a math background who was researching the NSA and our online security and he found out some of the bad things the BSA was doing with the data of American citizens before Edward Snowden did. David became fascinated with gold, Bitgold, Bitcoin and crypto currencies and he began researching about money and reading many technical, white papers about Bitcoin. David takes pride reading complicated white papers on the math and technology behind Bitcoin and Ethereum and explaining them in easier to understand terms for videos on his YouTube channel and in his written paid newsletter.