Wall St For Main St

Dave Skarica: A New Commodities Bubble is Starting?



Jason Burack of Wall St for Main St interviewed hedge fund manager, author and newsletter writer of Addicted to Profits http://addictedtoprofits.net/, Dave Skarica. During this hour+ long interview, Jason starts off by asking Dave about his book Collapse! he wrote in 2014 and why the stock market hasn't collapsed? Dave talks about the global economy and how different central banks are trying to keep the party going and fueling asset bubbles, etc. Dave thinks if the stock market crashes before the November 2016 election that it guarantees a win for Donald Trump in the election. Next, Jason asks Dave about legendary investor Sir John Templeton since Jason and Dave have both studied the investments and career of John Templeton. Jason asks Dave what Templeton would have been buying the last year or so and what Templeton would have been shorting using his investing methodology if Templeton were still alive? Dave says Templeton made a fortune investing in copper and base metal miners when they were very cheap i