Wall St For Main St

Jim Puplava: Stocks Won't Crash? Negative Interest Rates Very Good for Gold & Gold Stocks



Jason Burack of Wall St for Main St interviewed first time guest, Jim Puplava, CFP. Jim is a Certified Financial Planner, he is the Founder & President of the Puplava Financial Group of Companies, and he's host of the popular Financial Sense Newshour show http://www.financialsense.com/ since 1987! Jim's firm manages around $400 million of client money. Jim's full bio can be found here: http://www.financialsense.com/contributors/james... During this 30+ minute interview, Jason starts off by asking Jim why he thinks gold & gold stocks have rebounded so much since December? Jim talks about negative interest rates and how it is very good, in his opinion, for gold and gold stocks. Jason and Jim discuss the gold market further including how the market is so small that money managers moving into gold can cause big moves in a short amount of time. Next, Jason asks Jim about the state of the global economy. Jim talks about how the global economy is slowing down and he expects the US to enter into a rece