Wall St For Main St

Catherine Austin Fitts: Why Privacy is Over & Taxes Set to Increase



Jason Burack of Wall St for Main St interviewed first time guest, former Wall Street investment banker, macroeconomic expert and publisher of The Solari Report https://solari.com/, Catherine Austin Fitts. Catherine's bio can be found here: http://solari.com/about-us/catherine/ During this 35+ minute interview, Jason starts off by asking Catherine how she thinks China will deal with the debt problems the country has with its state owned banks and municipalities? Catherine thinks China will try to address its debt problems by a combination of growing its way out of its problems and also by printing a lot of RMB and then exporting them outside the country like how the US has done for decades with exporting massive amounts of Dollars. Jason and Catherine discuss China copying the US in a number of ways including militarily. Next, Jason asks Catherine about global financial repression from all the world's major economies and how economies like Japan, US, UK, EU and China are attempting to manipulate interest