Wall St For Main St

Dave Kranzler: Helicopter Money Coming Soon...Everywhere?!



Jason Burack of Wall St for Main St interviewed returning guest, former Wall St bond trader, gold fund manager, paid newsletter writer http://www.investmentresearchdynamics.com and the co-host of the Shadow of Truth podcast, Dave Kranzler. Dave writes the Short Seller's Journal paid newsletter and also a paid newsletter with gold and silver juniors. Jason and Dave have an hour+ long discussion covering many topics including: 1) Hillary Clinton's hypocrisy/corruption and her latest speech in Omaha where she promises to increase taxes heavily on the US middle class (with the audience cheering it!) https://www.conservativeoutfitters.com... Jason then asks Dave about the global economy. Jason asks Dave why is the Bank of England suddenly doing a massive new liquidity/QE injection of $100 billion British Pounds immediately for UK banks and then promised to buy $70 billion per month in bonds? Jason and Dave discuss what will stop these suicidal central bankers from continuing to inject trillions in new liquid