Wall St For Main St

Raoul Pal: US Dollar Shortage Causing Many Problems For Global Economy?



Jason Burack of Wall St for Main St interviewed first time guest, former hedge fund manager, global macro newsletter writer and Co-Founder & CEO of Real Vision TV https://realvisiontv.com/, Raoul Pal. Raoul is the former Co-manager of the hedge fund GLG Global Macro Fund which he managed for years after working on Wall Street and in the financial industry for years as well. He retired from the financial industry at age 36 and started writing a paid newsletter called, The Global Macro Investor http://www.globalmacroinvestor.com/About.asp Raoul became upset with the lack of honest, in depth coverage of what's really going on in markets and the global economy by the mainstream financial media so he and co-founder, Grant Williams decided to start Real Vision TV where they traveled around the world interviewing top guests like Kyle Bass, Jim Rogers and Hugh Hendry at length for their insights on the global economy. During this 30+ minute interview, Jason starts off by asking Raoul the consequences of a st