Wall St For Main St

Welcome to Dystopia Episode 27: Broken Economy, Healthcare & Media



Jason Burack of Wall St for Main St and managing editor of The News Doctors and independent financial journalist, Eric Dubin are back for Episode #27 of Welcome to Dystopia. to start the show, Jason and Eric discuss the latest jobs numbers and how that applies to reality. Eric thinks the market shook off the numbers and started to put a bottom in for gold, silver and mining shares after the jobs report was released. Jason and Eric discuss how the short correction in gold and silver may be over. Jason and Eric discuss how broken models and bad academic theories are making the real economy way worse! Jason and Eric name a bunch of current events and examples from academic Keynesian economists and members of the Federal Reserve desperate to tinker with the economy further for dire consequences for people on Main St. ​The long-heralded The Curse of Cash by prominent Harvard professor and former IMF chief economist Ken Rogoff is now in bookstores. This proto-fascist screed argues for the elimination of all $10