Wall St For Main St

Rick Rule: Current Gold/Silver Prices Not High Enough to Build New Mines



Jason Burack of Wall St for Main St interviewed returning guest, credit analyst, natural resource investor and President and CEO Sprott U.S. Holdings Inc., Rick Rule http://sprottglobal.com/ Rick has over 30 years experience investing in natural resources. Rick's bio is available here: http://sprottglobal.com/our-team/rick... During this 35+ minute interview, Jason started off the interview by asking Rick about his call on BNN in September where he said he's short term bearish and long term bullish on oil. Jason asks Rick what he means by that and if OPEC's behavior is affecting his call and whether he thinks there's a major oil bust coming soon? Rick talks about OPEC's poor track record for getting anything they want done done in the oil market with respect to production quotas and also oil prices. Jason follows up by asking Rick if oil companies are making free cash flow at the current oil price? Rick says many are not. Rick says many oil companies are drastically under-reporting their costs and co