

A fabulous yarny time at the retreat and then a trip to a fiber mill and more time playing with newly milled yarn and dye pots. The Two Ewes are on a Spring Break adventure! Kelly's Projects Kelly is making great progress on the Edie tee-shirt that she is making with Linen Concerto yarn she bought at Stitches West. She is also moving along on the Havannah tee that she is making with Dragon Fly Fibers Rustic Silk Dance yarn. Marsha's Projects Marsha brought a shawl and her Edie tee as retreat and vacation knitting. The shawl is Among the Shadows by Kelene Kinnersly. She is using a very recent purchase of Feederbrook Farm yarn that she got during her post Stitches trip to SF. Advent "ewes" First there was the wonderful weekend at NoCKRs, the Northern California Knitters Retreat, held by the Yarniacs and 2 Knit Lit Chicks podcasts.  Held at the St. Francis Retreat Center, it was a relaxing and fun time catching up with friends and meeting new friends.  Lots of knitting and food and drink and laughing! Then we v