United Methodist People Podcast

UMPP.008: The Bishops Speak - Bishop David Alan Bard, Michigan Area UMC



Michigan Area Bishop David Alan Bard is Rev. Dr. Brad Miller's guest on episode 008 of the United Methodist people podcast. the mission of the United Methodist people podcast is strengthening the connection in the United Methodist Church through conversation and commentary as a means of accomplishing our mission of making disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world. Dr. Brad's conversation with Bishop Bard is a part of the "the bishops speak" series of podcasts episodes were Dr. Brad will be speaking to a number of United Methodist bishops from around the world prior to the 2019 Gen. conference. Dr. Brad is asking each bishop two questions vital to the future of the United Methodist Church. 1. How effective has the UMC been in fulfilling our mission of making disciples of Jesus Christ the transformation of the world? 2. what is your view of the way forward? In episode 008 of the UMPP Dr. Brad indeed ask these two questions to Bishop Bard as a part of the far-ranging conversation which includ