Soctalks Multilevel Marketing & Network Marketing

SocTalks Episode 023 Season 2



Founder Breanne Dyck, MNIB Consulting: a boutique consultancy helping owners scale their online training business Here’s the Deal. Great work doesn’t happen by accident. That’s why you work so hard. It’s why you pour yourself into your work, shedding blood, sweat and tears – sometimes literally – to make sure your business is world-class. That drive for excellence has got you to where you are today, and yet that little voice in the back of your head won’t shut up: “What if this time, my best isn’t good enough?” But that’s not an option. People are paying attention now, and you can’t let them down. Your customers want more, and they want you to give it to them. This is not the time to back down … … IT’S THE TIME TO DOUBLE DOWN. That’s how you scale to reach even more people. That’s how you create the next big thing that will quantum leap your business forward. That’s how you put together your first (or next) million dollar product that gets amazing results, too. And it’s also how you will start having less of