Ah Ha!

Expert Performance: How to Get Better at Almost Anything (Ah has from the book "Peak" by Anders Ericsson and Robert Pool) – Episode 7



Have you ever thought to yourself “wow, I wish I was gifted at that as she is”? Well actually, you are. We all are, in fact. It turns out that very few skills are genetically predisposed, and that everyone has the same potential if you know how to get there. Instead of feeling discouraged, listen in as we talk about the right way to practice any skill if you want to become a top performer. This episode, we’re talking about the book Peak by Anders Ericsson and Robert Pool We’ll talk about: The exact steps you need to take to get better and just about anything Why the famous 10,000 hour rule is actually completely wrong How we plan to use these strategies to make big leaps in our careers Download Stephanie’s personal notes for this book and many others at http://www.theahhashow.com/7