Time To Teach

Episode 7: It's a Digital Mess: Clean Up Time



     Just as with a physical mess, digital messes have a negative impact on productivity. Both kinds of clutter are distracting and overwhelming. In this episode, listen to find out what digital items you should work on this summer, including strategies to help you clean up digitally. Spending time this summer to clean up digital items will allow you to start fresh in the fall. Happy cleaning 0:00 Introduction 3:28 Pacing Guide  8:11 Tiffany's map story  13:36 Unit Map  22:37 Digital files 28:05 Email  30:00 Class website  31:43 Digital forms of communication 33:56 Handouts  38:07 Conclusion 38:22 Bloopers   Resources Unit 1 Document (actual document)  UbD Blank Templates Class Newsletter (serves as homepage on my website)   Contact: Twitter: @TamiJ123 Podcast show notes & listen online: www.timetoteach.libsyn.com Facebook page: Time to Teach https://www.facebook.com/Time-to-Teach-293173721126201/ Facebook Groups: Teachers for Effective Curriculum www.facebook.com/groups/teachersforeffectivecurriculum/