Time To Teach

E23S5 How to Survive a Bad Day



Everyone has a bad day every now and again for one reason or another. However, your bad day doesn't have to turn into a horrible day. In this episide, I share some coping strategies I use to help survive a bad day. Listen to find out some tips to use when you find yourself confronted with a bad day.    0:00 Intro 0:44 Tiny topic explanation and backstory to this episode 3:59 Stop and breathe 6:35 Give your permission to not be at 100% 10:03 Something to look forward to  14:45 Figure out the cause  18:15 Communication  21:37 Check your attitude 26:34 Am I giving someone or something too much power over my emotions?  30:53 Take care of yourself in general, and in the moment 33:07 Take a moment 34:43 Enjoy your students 40:11 outro  40:53 Blooper  Contact: Twitter: @TamiJ123 Podcast show notes & listen online: www.timetoteach.libsyn.com Facebook page: Time to Teach https://www.facebook.com/Time-to-Teach-293173721126201/   Facebook Groups: Teachers for Effective Curriculum www.facebook.com/groups/teachersfor