Time To Teach

E71 Managing Stress And Anxiety In The Classroom



E71 In today's episode, I look at healthy habits and practices to help you manage the inevitable stress and anxiety that evolves from our challenging career as educators. As we know, this is one of the most difficult fields to be in. Taking care of one's self, then,  becomes critical, and needs to be made a priority.  Listen to find out ways you can keep your mind and body in optimal condition to help you take on your biggest challenges in the classroom.  Photo by John Peters on Unsplash Contact: Twitter: @TamiJ123 Podcast show notes & to listen online: Time to Teach Website Links Time to Teach Facebook Page Teachers For Effective Curriculum Facebook Group (Facebook Group) My Blog: Notes From A First Grade Classroom Music Credits: Adventures by A Himitsu @a-himitsu Creative Commons — Attribution 3.0 Unported— CC BY 3.0 creativecommons.org/licenses/b... Music released by Argofox youtu.be/8BXNwnxaVQE Music provided by Audio Library youtu.be/MkNeIUgNPQ8