Real Estate Sales Trainer And Coach

Lead Conversion Problem Solved



for access to Memberships, Coaching and Training go to Since 1993 I have been selling residential real estate. In that time I have studied under the masters of selling such as Zig Ziglar, Tony Robbins, Tom Hopkins, Mike Ferry, Floyd Wickman and Dale Carnegie. I immersed myself in the self-help and self-improvement world as I became a top Salesperson for Century 21 Real Estate. In 2007, I began training and coaching and grew into the world of Podcasting, Youtube and Blogging and Vlogging, a.k.a. content creation, along side of Grant Cardone and Gary Vaynerchuck while having creative mentors like Casey Neistat and Peter McKinnon. I continue to recycle knowledge and repurpose it as wisdom in pursuit of an enlightened state of mind I later came to know as flow. I wrote and published a book on this topic and only came to find more books like the Power of Now by Eckhart Tolle and The Secret by Rhonda Byrne once my publisher asked to categorize this. This makes for quite an interesti