Omg Radio With Jamie Palmer

2020 Marketing and Social Media Predictions



In today’s podcast, I’m going to share with you all about my 2020 marketing predictions and trends. The digital marketing world is ever-changing and given the fact that this is an election year, I always feel the election has an impact in the online marketing world INSTAGRAM STORIES 2020 Marketing Trends Instagram stories aren’t going away, 68% of people are using stories three-plus times a week and 63% of those people continue to use stories more. What that says to me is get comfortable on Instagram Stories. one thing to be mindful of is most people do not listen with the sound on. It is worth the effort to take the time to put the text on the story, hashtags, and relevant gifs. Create Quality Content One of the principles that my team and I are really focusing on this year is to create less content but create content that is exceptionally well. My commitment is to do less but whatever I commit to doing, do it exceptionally well and optimizing that piece of content exceptionally well. One of the ways in wh