Omg Radio With Jamie Palmer

300 and Something Podcasts - Marketing is a Long Game



I was chatting with my Dad about my podcast and I said, "Marketing this podcast sure is a long term game. I've got 300 and something episodes and I'm not sure I can tie a single $ to it" All good marketing is a long term game and anyone who tells you otherwise is just high on some trend that is going to come and go. Trust me, I've seen a LOT of trends in my 16 years in business. If you want to build a real business that generates leads consistently over time you have to invest time and money into your marketing because it is a long game. It takes time to optimize a YouTube channel. It takes time to build traction for a podcast channel. It takes time to optimize a blog and the search results. None of these things happen over night. That is why I always recommend macro content. One of my client Christine, CEO of Sleep Like a Boss has been using the Social Media Made Simple System for over 18 months now and is booked out consistently for sales calls...all organic. We live in a society where we have the expectati