Omg Radio With Jamie Palmer

The Benefits of Practicing What You Preach



Are you practicing what you preach? We live in a world where you can pick and choose what images you want people to see. You can rent a ridiculous mansion and claim it to be your own. You can show up in whatever way you choose to show up online and be a completely different person behind the scenes.  I have for many years, worked diligently to practice what I preach in all areas of my life. While this can be a scary proposition for some, it is actually very freeing when you decide this is the way in which you want to live.  I have made a commitment to myself, my business and my community that this is how I want to live. I test new marketing strategies out on myself before anyone else, I embody the values of my business by living them, I own up to my strengths and weakness and so much more.  I have a client who is also doing the same and I love seeing him live his passion and I can see with great specificity how over time this will impact and inspire his community tremendously. He does it daily in spite of any