Precious Metals Investing

Futures Trading



Futures Trading Here at we recommend precious metals of course, but we also recommend diversifying your investments. Today we have a myriad of investment options, stock market, etfs, options trading, and the futures trading. What part should futures trading play in your investment strategy? If you are not familiar with futures trading what is it? What are the investing risks? What are the rewards. Ted Sudol interviews Charlie Nedoss of the LaSalle Futures Group. Charlie has a wide and deep knowledge of just about all aspects of futures trading. He helps us understand what future trading is. He explains both the rewards and the risks. We are often told in investing that the greater the risk the greater the reward. Since futures trading is speculating the risks are greater but the rewards can also be much greater. If you have ever wondered if futures should play a role in your investment strategy we invite you to learn more here about this potentially profitable addition t