Last Cut Conversations With Samantha Paige

S01.12: Kimmay Caldwell: Changing the world one bra at a time



What’s most true to you? How are you living it? "I really and truly believe that undergarments can change a women's life and then she can go on to change the world. I'm talking about how starting with that layer, [that experience] can totally transform how a woman thinks about herself, about her body, about her worth, about her femininity, about her feminine energy. Physically and emotionally, our breasts are the doorways to our hearts. So if you can imagine, if you think anything about chakras and even if you don't, just physically being able to stand up tall and have your heart be able to lead, it changes a woman's life." ~Kimmay Caldwell, Hurray Kimmay blogger and expert bra fitter I first encountered Kimmay Caldwell, lingerie blogger and expert bra fitter, and her “Hurray Kimmay” blog on the Ana Ono Intimates Instagram feed. After reading her post on post-mastectomy lingerie (though not post-reconstruction herself), I was further impressed that she does not allow photographers to Photoshop her body in ph