Jon Rognerud Podcast

If Every Online Business Knew About THIS, Sales Would Be Easy - #046



Do you feel you're wasting lots of time trying to drive more sales into your organization? It's not uncommon, but the good news is that there are new ways to improve the sales process after the 'clickers' come to your website. There's a cool way to improve your sales process and take it to the next level...: "Live & Automated Chat Systems" You might be thinking: "Yes, that obvious, we already do that, what else do you have for me...?" Or, maybe you're in an executive role, and have not considered it... "Jon, tell me more, what do you mean, exactly?" If this is you, then good - I got something for 'ya! Today, I talk about considerations for implementing live and "chat bots", which if you have not considered this technology, may be the BIGGEST "leaving money on the table" scenario you've had. And, I share ideas about ways to improve the technology on your site, if you already have some of this going (good for you!) [NOTICE] If you need help with this, we ( have long experience with implementati