Jon Rognerud Podcast

Where Content Creation Ideas Begin (Tips To Get Started) - #059



The phrases "analysis paralysis" or "writer's block", are very familiar to so many that deal in content creation. This applies to both online and offline content creation.  But, here's the truth: Content development and finding seed ideas to get started, begin with YOU (and your team, if you are a larger enterprise). That means accessing the analytical as well as the creative mind.  Analytical - in the sense that you must have a goal established, a purpose, and a destination (call to action) that you can track and measure. Creativity - because you cannot just mirror (or worse, copy) what others are doing, but need to come up with ideas and angles that stand out in your market, and that are helpful and unique at the same time. Content creation ideas is what I'm discussing today: (The end result is that you'll get more traffic, more authority and brand lift) This broadcast is coming to you from Chapman University in Orange, California (I lec