Catholic Heritage Show W/ Dr. Estrada

The Mistrust of Catholic Bishops en Masse - The Gnostic Character of Recent Critiques of Francis - CHS 123



Recent English-speaking Catholic critics have adopted Gnostic approaches when evaluating the words and actions of Pope Francis and the bishops of the Catholic Church. In this episode, we talk about the use of radical skepticism and even hostility used by certain Catholic critics in their efforts to discredit the papacy of Pope Francis. Instead of finding truth within the episcopate, these critics point to themselves as the repositories of truth. They also assume that their understanding of the Catholic faith is indeed correct. Join us this week as we explain how this style of criticism resemble ancient Gnostic approaches toward the bishops of the Catholic Church.     To comment on this show or provide feedback, please navigate to   The Catholic Heritage is devoted to helping Catholic Christians better understand the history, teachings and culture of their Catholic faith so that they can better love and serve Christ, the Church and their neighbors. Dr. Erik Estrada i