Catholic Heritage Show W/ Dr. Estrada

Identify the Sources of Authors - How to Study the Catholic Heritage Series -CHS 128



Down through the centuries, Catholic authors have engaged in a long conversation over the Life Questions. An integral aspect to the ways Catholics have answered these questions was to tap into the efforts of previous generations of Catholic Christians who likewise engaged the Life Questions.  Early catholic authors such as Origen, Augustine and Jerome made extensive use of earlier Catholic authors in their efforts to engage the records of the Christian tradition. They believed that the answers to the Life Questions were to be found in the Christian tradition and not apart from it. To determine the answers to these questions, they believed, the Catholic would do well to consult the labors of earlier Catholic thinkers. By building upon their efforts, correcting their mistakes and preserving their contributions, they maintained, the Catholic intellectual could come to a more precise understanding of the Christian faith. Join us this week as we discuss how Catholic authors drew upon earlier contributions.   To co