Catholic Heritage Show W/ Dr. Estrada

What Does the Term Deuterocanonical Mean? - CHs 173



173: What Does the Term Deuterocanonical Mean? - CHS 173   There is some confusion today in certain Protestant circles as to what exactly the term “deuterocanonical” (i.e., pertaining to the second canon) means to Catholics. This question came up in a recently video I was watching where two Protestant scholars were discussing various views about the canon within the Christian world.   One of the Protestant scholars stated that Catholicism relegates the deuterocanonical books (i.e., 7 books accepted by Catholics among the canonical books not—i.e., 1-2 Maccabees, Judith, Tobit etc.) to a second class. The scholar asked whether Catholics believed that the deuterocanonical books were produced as a result of a second level of inspiration of sorts.   In this episode we briefly discuss what the term originally meant when it was coined by the sixteenth-century biblical scholar Sisto di Siena OP and why that meaning is still important for Catholics today.   We also discuss how Catholic ecumenical councils such as Tren