Catholic Heritage Show W/ Dr. Estrada

Providence and the Protestant Canon of Scripture pt 1 - CHS 174



0174 - Providence and the Protestant Canon of Scripture pt 1   What is the relationship between Providence and the Canon? In today’s episode, I talk about recent arguments in favor of the idea that God positively willed Christians to accept the 66-book Protestant canon of Scripture. This question came up in a recent video I was watching where two Protestant scholars were discussing various views about the canon within the Christian world.   These claims about divine Providence and the Protestant canon of Scripture harkened back to a statement I read in a popular systematic theology penned some time ago. Therein a popular Baptist scholar argued that all Protestant Christians should have confidence in their 66-book canon of Scripture for a variety of theological, historical and experiential reasons.   In this episode, I briefly address the various reasons forwarded in favor of the idea that God positively willed Christians to accept the 66-book Protestant canon of Scripture. Therein, I devote the majority of my