Ad Astra

14. [Computer Generated Laughter]



This week, Jack and Newton are joined by comedienne and special guest Rubi Nicholas! They talk about the importance of studying humor for missions to Mars and beyond, the ability for robots to both understand and create humor, and ways that the public is becoming involved.   Links: Comedy and Humor in Space Robonauts, Natural Language Understanding, and the role of Computational Humor for Human Spaceflight How NASA Will Keep Astronauts From Going Stir-Crazy on Long Space Missions Astronauts with a Sense of Humor will go to Mars   Coming Soon to Space Surviving Mars: The Space Simulation With A Sense Of Humor   Latest from Covfefe Land Two hearings coming up on Thursday about the NASA Budget CJS Hearing SS&T Hearing NASA and Pence will be announcing the newest class of astronauts   Other Links Surviving Mars game by Paradox Interactive Rubi Nicholas on Twitter   Follow Ad Astra on Twitter at @AdAstra_Podcast, on Facebook, and subscribe to the mailing list for future updates and events!