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39. Roadmap to the Stars



Late night, lightnight round of news. Major policy discussions mounting in Washington and worldwide, SpaceX's Falcon Heavy's maybe-probably not payload, and the cutest darn baby picture you've ever seen. You're gonna want to hear about this and much, much more.   Links: Ad Astra is on Reddit!    Latest from Washington NASA Caucus update Space Corps is “inevitable” Deep Space Gateway is part of plan to expand human exploration of space NASA’s little brother gets an administrator nominee Space News Highlight of the Week Universe’s Baby Picture Wins $3 Million     International News ESA pours $107 million into Vega E and a reusable spaceplane Japan wants to be part of Deep Space Gateway Japan also wants to play some war games IN SPACE Latest in Tech James Webb Space Telescope Out of Chamber A Elon makes another great claim   Listener Submitted Question NASA approves SpaceX to fly pre-flown rocket on next Dragon mission ...BUT, NASA also expects the highest safety standards for future commercial sp