Lancaster Story Slam Podcast

Not What I Intended



Welcome to the Lancaster Story Slam podcast! Our May Story Slam theme was “Not What I Intended.” We were thrilled to have eight amazing storytellers join us for our third virtual story slam!  Our winner by audience vote for May’s Lancaster Story Slam was Tom Bottiger who shared his story of working for a television station and through a series of unfortunate events ended up accidentally violating broadcast standards.  Tom’s story won him the prized pint glass and earned him a spot in the Lancaster Story Slam Grand Slam which will take place in November. Congratulations, Tom! Next up is Randy Shultz with his touching tribute to his friend, Ron. Our final storyteller is Swapna Deshpande. Swapna shared her story of visiting her parents in India. Our June Story Slam is themed “Identity Crisis” and will be held at 7pm on June 23rd. Watch the Lancaster Story Slam Facebook page for event registration. Our thanks to LancLiving Realty, whose generous support is making this season possible.  Thanks for listening!