Getting Naked With Nate

How a psychic, a sauna and a broken heart taught me to surrender to the Fire (#21)



"How do a broken heart, a sauna and a psychic weave together to form the foundation for Fire," you ask? You, my friend, are in the right place for that answer! Welcome back to Naked with Nate, a podcast for the beautifully broken! This week is especially exciting for me because it's the first episode which was recorded live to an online 'studio' audience! I had so much fun chatting with everyone, showing photos related to the episode, answering questions, etc! One of the viewers was even listening from his bath in Norway, which I thought was amazing! You can watch the full live video (right here), which includes a whole intro and outro not kept in the final episode. Anyways, I won't keep you, go ahead and listen to the episode, let me know what you think in the (show note comments) and I'll see you next week for more! Share your thoughts and find links, quotes and more at the show-notes: (nakedwit