Clyde Christian Bible Church

Facing Goliath Part IV: Grief (with David Harris)



This January, our church was dealt a heavy blow with the sudden and unexpected loss of our dear friend and sister-in-Christ, Terra Harris.  In this deeply personal (but also practical and Scriptural) message, her husband David discusses his ongoing battle with a massive giant: Grief.  The inconvenient truth is that all of us face this giant at one time or another.Some Goliaths can be knocked down.  Other Goliaths are grappled with for a lifetime.  Here, David gives us an emotional portrait of faith being stronger than death.  We are very thankful for his strength and vulnerability.----------------------------------------------------------------Features a clip of Nora McInerny's TED Talk, "We Don't Move On From Grief. We Move Forward With It".  We did not ask for nor receive Mrs. McInernys permission to do so.  If you wish to view the remainder of her excellent message on moving forward with grief, we highly recommend following this link: