Two Strangers One Podcast

Ep 254 - Punisher Vs Harvey Weinstein (Cort Side Seats)



Chris and Austin Tschudy discuss the Infinity War trailer, Hollywood Babble On, Ralph Garmin, Kevin and Bean, KROQ, fired, not for sexual allegations, Netflix, Punisher, gun control, Disney, bloody, Billy Russo, Jigsaw, mirror Medani, Middle Eastern, Hispanic, Rafi, no Rosario Dawson, Micro, flashback, Louis, theme song, Johnny Cash, gun porn, Gods Gonna Cut You Down, Half Sack, killer, Bronx Tale, Family Guy, Kevin Spacey, Jessie Eisenberg, Se7en, Andrew Kreisberg, , , , Harvey Weinstein, Louis CK, Bill Cosby, Cort PsyOps defends George Romero, Dawn of the Dead, Zack Snyder, Ty Burrell, Zombie, The Room, The Disaster Artist, I Love The 00's, Thanos, Avengers Tower, Nebula