Teaching Artistry With Courtney J. Boddie

Episode 24, ACT 2: Michael Wiggins - Art Is Always the Answer



In Episode 24, Act 2: "Art is Always the Answer", Courtney speaks to artist, arts administrator, activist and author of "The Teaching Artist Sutras", Michael Wiggins. This conversation is a continuation of last week's episode, which posits, "art is the answer, no matter the question", discusses art (and artist) as instigator. In this thoughtful episode, Michael speaks more on the profundity of theater, the arts as a whole and how art is woven into the very fabric of our humanity. Courtney and Michael's conversation delves deep into philosophical topics like: the details of our individual pasts are subject to question, how the things we endure when we're young affect us differently, how we as individuals approach the world, how the world interacts with us varies from person to person and how the work that artists do truly does change lives. Listen to hear more about Michael's journey into Teaching Artistry and how it fueled his artistic trajectory. This enlightening and entertaining episode is one you won't wa