Waters Wavelength

Episode 230: Bloomberg on FRTB



Eugene Stern, head of market risk product, and Brad Foster, head of enterprise data content at Bloomberg respectively, join the Waters Wavelength Podcast to talk about a range of topics relating to the Fundamental Review of the Trading Book and how firms are looking for product offerings that are more modular and flexible. 4:00 Eugene and Brad join the podcast. 6:00 Eugene talks about why firms are still struggling with FRTB implementations. 10:00 Brad details the data challenge and how it presents an opportunity for banks to review their data management strategies. 13:30 To have that consistency and alignment in data management strategies, what do firms need to address today? 16:00 FRTB brings about a change in the balance between regulatory capital calculations and risk measures for internal risk management. For example, the internal model approach has gotten very challenging to implement due to very specific requirements. Instead, banks are tending towards the standardized approach from a reg cap perspe