Young Businessmen Of Tulsa Podcast

YBT Luncheon With Luke Sherman



Each month the The Young Businessmen of Tulsa will produce a podcast of it's monthly luncheon speaker. In June 2016 the YBT had the honor of hosting Luke Sherman where he shared the importance of law enforcement working with the local business community. Luke is a nationally recognized figure to law enforcement communities across the United States and in several other countries. As a director for the National Tactical Officer’s Association (NTOA), Luke has played a pivotal role in assisting and providing subject matter expertise to members of both the U.S. Senate and U.S. House in topics such as the Ferguson riot incidents and the topic of the militarization of police forces. As an instructor for the NTOA, he has provided nearly 5000 hours of instruction in topics such as active shooter, hostage rescue, high-risk warrants, civil disturbance, barricaded gunman, legal considerations in policing and SWAT, civil disturbance, team leader and command-level decision making.