Young Businessmen Of Tulsa Podcast

YBT Podcast 87 Observe Connect Influence Shari Alexander



Evan Uyetake sits down with Sharí Alexander. Shari is a persuasiveness coach known for bringing the “dark arts” of influence into the light. She has built her career as a speaker, writer, trainer and coach by revealing powerful secrets behind conversational influence. She has personally learned the best persuasive triggers and techniques from master influencers, including CIA field agents, hostage negotiators, con-artists, HUMINT officers, interrogators, trial attorneys, mentalists, undercover law enforcement, and even pick-up artists. Her mission is to put these powerful skills in the hands of entrepreneurs and leaders so that they can effectively be a positive influence in their businesses and lives. To connect with Shari Free Download facebook: /alexandershari twitter: @sharialexander LinkedIn: /sharialexander/ To learn more about The Young Businessmen of Tulsa: Facebook: /YBTOklahoma Twitter: @ybTulsaOK LinkedIn: Young Businessmen of Tulsa We