Young Businessmen Of Tulsa Podcast

YBLPC 127 Justin Wren People Have Value



Almost a decade ago the world got to know Justin Wren through his successful mixed martial arts career. Today he finds his greatest fulfillment through his foundation The Justin Wren Foundation dba Fight For The Forgotten. His purpose and passion is for the most bullied people group, the pygmies. Through his Fight For The Forgotten initiative, 1,500 members of a formerly enslaved people group in the DRC “Congo” are now free and flourishing on 3,000 acres of their own land with access to clean water and their own farms. Currently, he is focused on the Batwa pygmies in Uganda where he is working to bring hope to the Batwa’s desperate plight. These people are going extinct because of their deplorable living conditions and treatment by other countrymen. Through Fight For The Forgotten, he has been able to recently purchase farmland for them, farming tools and seed for crops along with providing water wells and building a latrine. A new deep solar pump water well has been dug at a school and orphanage w