
76 Garry Wotherspoon: Max's Party



A party is usually defined as “a joyous affair, typically involving eating, drinking, and entertainment,” but at this one the entertainment was, well, not what was expected. Garry is a historian, writer, and activist, a former academic at the University of Sydney and a former NSW History Fellow. He has written several books and has been published internationally. A 78er, he was awarded Australia’s Centenary of Federation medal for his work as an academic, researcher, and human rights activist. His short fiction has appeared in various ‘little magazines’ such as Cargo and Outrage, and in Love and Death: An AIDS Anthology. Queerstories is an LGBTQI+ storytelling night programmed by Maeve Marsden, with regular events around Australia. For Queerstories event dates, visit www.maevemarsden.com, and follow Queerstories on Facebook. The Queerstories book is published by Hachette Australia, and can be purchased from your favourite independent bookseller or on Booktopia. To support Qu