
137 Charles O'Grady - Just Charles!



Charles O'Grady broke his ankle doing something very masculine. Charles O’Grady is a queer transgender theatremaker, poet, and journalist, who lives between Sydney and Melbourne. As a playwright he has written multiple works focused on intersectional queer and trans storytelling, including Kaleidoscope, Telescope, and Are We Awake? He has worked on productions with such mainstage companies as Griffin, Malthouse, Belvoir, and STC. Charles is a fierce advocate for nuanced trans representation and trans stories that are told by trans people, and has worked for the last four years to bring other trans and queer artists into the theatrical conversation. Queerstories is an LGBTQI+ storytelling night programmed by Maeve Marsden, with regular events around Australia. For Queerstories event dates, visit www.maevemarsden.com, and follow Queerstories on Facebook. The Queerstories book is published by Hachette Australia, and can be purchased from your favourite independent bookseller or on Booktopia. To suppor