
205 David Abello - Demented in the Palace of Dreams



David's life with his mother Patricia is not without challenges - caring for someone with dementia is hard - but he cherishes their Sundays at the Bankstown Sportsclub. David Abello became involved in the lesbian and gay movement in 1975 and in 1980s was a member of the Gay Liberation Quire and the Gaywaves Gay Radio Collective amongst other things. He's been active in the disability movement since the 1980s and in membership-based organisations concerned with employment, multicultural advocacy and housing. In the late 1990s he was a founding member of the queer disability activist group, Access Plus – Spanning Identities. After 14 years as a public servant he completed an Honours Degree in Arts and Social Sciences at UTS, and his next career as a social policy researcher at UNSW. He then completed a PhD. The thesis, In Memory of Now: A Queer History of the Present is available online, as his album My Life as a Social Movement. Queerstories is an LGBTQI+ storytelling night programmed by Maeve Marsden, w