
232 Ally and Bec - Seducing Bec Shaw



It seemed an impossible task, but with much persistence and a lot of hilarity, Ally finally managed to seduce the internet's favourite lesbian, brocklesnitch aka Rebecca Shaw. Rebecca Shaw (aka @brocklesnitch) is a writer and creator of the parody Twitter account @notofeminism, which was developed into an illustrated book with Affirm Press. She wrote for Tonightly with Tom Ballard and is currently on the writing team for Hard Quiz. She’s been published by Junkee, The Guardian, Daily Life and Kill Your Darlings, among others. Ally Garrett has been writing and speaking on body politics and fat activism for the past decade. She also has a corporate day job, working as a CX Director in the media intelligence industry. Her activism comes in many forms; most notably posting horny selfies on the internet.  Queerstories is an LGBTQI+ storytelling night programmed by Maeve Marsden, with regular events around Australia. For Queerstories event dates, visit www.maevemarsden.com, and follow Queerstories on