
240 Brenna Harding - Queerspawn Siblinghood



Brenna remembers her desperate campaign to convince her mothers to give her a sibling. Brenna Harding is an actor, board member of Wear it Purple, founder of Moonlight Feminist and LGBT rights advocate. She’s performed in productions for Melbourne Theatre Company, Sydney Theatre Company, The Old Fitz Theatre, Belvoir St, Malthouse and Griffin Theatre Company. She is best known for her role in Puberty Blues but you might have also seen her in Secret City, The Code, My Place, Packed to the Rafters, A Place to Call Home and Netflix’s Black Mirror, directed by Jodie Foster. In 2012, Brenna won the Logie for Most Popular New Female Talent and in 2014 received the Marie Bashir Peace Prize for her contribution to social justice. In 2018, Brenna was a Heath Ledger Scholarship finalist. Queerstories is an LGBTQI+ storytelling night programmed by Maeve Marsden, with regular events around Australia. For Queerstories event dates, visit www.maevemarsden.com, and follow Queerstories on Facebook. The Queers