
245 Cadance Bell - A Tale of Two Kitties



Growing up in Mudgee in rural NSW, a young Cadance learns a brutal lesson while out driving with her father.Cadance Bell is an emerging writer, producer and director. She is the CEO and co-founder of production company Wayflair Studios, where she unmakes prejudice through entertainment. Cady was the writer/director of The Rainbow Passage – commissioned by Screen Australia and Network Ten and the award winning comedy horror short Mirror Spider. Selected into Cohort One for the Poplabs Social Impact incubator for next generation startups, Cady has produced & directed dozens of short films, music videos & TVCs. She is a freelance writer, contributing articles for newspapers like The Guardian and is currently in discussions for publication of her dark comedy memoir. Cady very much likes burritos and short walks to the fridge. She is openly transgender and documents her shenanigans on her popular LGTBQIA+ blog at www.iMissPockets.comQueerstories an award-winning LGBTQI+ storytelling project directed by Mae