Bluest Tape

96: Nothing Lasts Forever in the Cold November Rain



Nothing Lasts Forever in the Cold November Rain Montana, November 2000 We recorded this episode in the midst of a driving Memphis rain storm and a 25+ degree temperature drop on Veteran’s Day, so tipping our cap to the great W. Axl Rose and Stephanie Seymour seemed appropo. We dropped a new format for our Halloween 2019 recap and promptly cast it aside for a return to the old format. Sorry! This week, we have two great examples from Fall Tour 2000 - a couple of unheralded shows from the State of Montana. 11/10/00 finds at Montana State University in Bozeman for a killer trio of mid-first set songs. The next night (11/11/00), we head over to the University of Montana in Missoula for a smokin’, cover-laden encore that has a little bit of everything: killer sound, Schools’ bombs, engaged JB, and so much more. Absolutely love this segment! Along the way, we talk about spring 2020 tour, the Black Crowes reunion, the end of Matt Bevin, and the mess that the University of Memphis finds itself in. #freewiseman